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What To Look For Featured

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What are you looking for?  Do you know what drives your happiness?

Take some time over the next few days to think about what you are drawn to and why.  Reaize that your happiness depends on many things, and that you are the driver of that thinking.  You create your thoughts and thoughts are things.

When we take the time to stop ourselves from immediately reacting to something that brings out negative feelings, we can change our reaction.  We can choose a better response.  We can rise above the negative and recognize that we are better than anything negative that comes toward us.

So while you are looking for the good in the bad, take note that you are choosing a brighter pathway to follow.  Rise above the craziness that some people love to participate in.  Stop feeling like you are circling the drain everyday...because you CAN stop the emotions that drain and strain you.  Whether those challenges are coming from your kids, your family members, your spouse or co-workers, it's all the same when it comes to choosing how to react to what you are given.

Be grateful.  Be postive.  Be kind.  You can change everyone you touch if you are able to do that. 

                                                                                    "Now, let's get going!"  xo Sally

Read 1858 times Last modified on %PM, %19 %851 %2014 %15:%Oct