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Your Legal Documents

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"I had my Will and Power of Attorney paperwork done a long time ago, why should I worry about it?"


Some people seem to avoid having their legal documents drawn up.  Things like a Living Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Surrogate, and even a Trust.  Let me say right now that I am not an attorney, nor do I profess to know the ins and outs of preparing those types of documents.


But this is what I do know:  people tend to avoid getting their affairs in order and keeping them updated.


I usually find that people will have their initial documents drawn up when they have reached their 40’s, mainly because they have children and there is a sense of responsibility to protect the family if an unexpected death or illness were to occur.  Those documents are usually put in a safe or filed somewhere, and forgotten.


Here is the message that you want to keep in mind; whenever there is a change in your financial or health status, you need to have those documents reviewed and determine if a change needs to be made.


As we get older, many people don’t even remember what their initial documents said.  Who did we say would be the Executor of our Will?  How was the power of attorney specified?  Did we actually do a Trust or did we just have a Will?


Years ago there was not as big of an emphasis on naming a Health Care Surrogate, or a person to make decisions for your healthcare if you are not able to state your choices for treatment, but there is now.  If you were involved in a bad car accident and were unable to talk due to loss of consciousness, and taken to a hospital, your Health Care Surrogate, Living Will and your Power of Attorney documents would be requested as soon as you arrived in the Emergency Room.  Where are those documents?


Find them.  Look them over.  We are going to discuss how important each one of these documents in this section, over the next few weeks. So find your important papers, and let’s see if your paperwork still says what you need it to say!  "Now, lets get going!"    xo Sally

 Link: AHCA Health Care Advance Directives Documents

This article is part of a new series of general information to answer different questions sent to us by you!  Please submit your questions through the web site at Contact Us.   Always remember that the thoughts expressed at are never intended to take the place of the advice of your treating medical professionals.

Read 13847 times Last modified on %PM, %16 %118 %2013 %21:%Oct