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Kind Words Featured

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Kind words. There is nothing that helps a situation more. Even if your situation is challenging, regardless of who or what challenges you, you get further with kind words.


People are less able to be angry or frustrated with you, when you choose kind words to express yourself. They go a long way. Saying thank you, offering a smile instead of a look of indifference, creates an opportunity to encourage people.


We all need to be encouraged. What one person is facing, may be different than another, but there is no one that does not appreciate kind words.


Those words can mean more to someone than you give them credit for. Try it today. Start out your week with an attitude of gratitude and be aware of the good you can do for others today.

                                                                                                                                                                     “Now "Now, let’s get going!”  xo Sally

Read 3408 times Last modified on %AM, %16 %553 %2015 %08:%Mar