It is easy to let our problems consume us. If we focus on our problems we become that focus. If we change our focus we open ourselves up to learn how to think differently. You have all the power!
Your situation does not define who you are. How you handle the challenges that come your way, defines who you are. I have heard that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle tangled Christmas lights. Do you know of anything that causes you more grief than tangled Christmas lights, when you finally found the energy to put them up?
That is because Christmas lights are small (usually), and the small stuff really can bug you. I laugh when I see the books about not sweating the small stuff…and it is a very important concept, but the small, daily, obnoxious stuff that we all deal with can overpower us if we let it.
We can’t let it happen. We have to believe that we have the power. We have to agree that we can make a tough situation lighter, and we have to believe it.
How we go about it, is not the same for everyone. But the human spirit is amazing. People are making lemonade out of lemons every day, and many times they don’t give themselves credit for it.
Listen, if you have a recipe to make lemonade out of lemons, when it comes to coping with a disease, a physical challenge, or managing the care of someone who has all of the above, let us know what your recipe is. I think could make a recipe book of all of your stories, and we need to make that book!
There are too many people struggling out there with caregiving challenges. Problems can be managed well. I can tell you that your struggle is "not for nothing.” You have your story to tell, and we’re here to help you manage those challenges that are wearing you out! Contact Us!
“Now, let’s get going” xo Sally
On this day, 12 years ago, our nation was shook to its foundation. Our normal routine, our daily lives, came to a standstill. A very important city in our Country suffered a horrible reality and many lives were sacrificed. We were attacked by enemies that we didn’t really know, nor paid attention to.
We paid attention on 9-11-2001. We became one. We were there for each other. That’s who we are.
Now it seems that we look back at that experience and some do not remember the details nor feel that there is relevance to our lives today. We too easily shift from the United States of America to the United States of Amnesia.
So Today’s “Thought of The Day” is a request. I would like all of us to not only remember where you were on 9-11-2001, but to remember the feeling of fear we all shared. The fear of possibly losing all that we hold dear.
Many people throughout the world have that fear every day, just because of where they live. We are so fortunate to live in this Country, and have every opportunity to make our lives what we choose them to be.
My wish for you today is that you will choose a goal, and find the energy and purpose to make that goal a reality for you. Don’t waste another day. Reflect on how important you are to your family, friends and to yourself.
You deserve the best. You have to believe that and find the courage and conviction to meet your goal and conquer it! Let us know what your goal is and what your plan is to make it happen! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
“When you open your mouth you let the world know who you are.” Les Brown
Don’t we all wish for perfection? Wouldn’t it be amazing if every time we opened our mouth a kind or witty saying would spring forth and people would think we were just the nicest, brightest, sweetest person they ever knew?
Well, here we are back to reality and to my knowledge there has only been one Mother Teresa. It does not mean that we do not benefit from striving to do better each day. In fact when we wake up each morning that is exactly what we should do. We should STRIVE to be the best we can be.
Working at a goal doesn’t mean that we will achieve that goal in 24 hours. It may take longer. A week. A month. A year. Who knows how long it will take? The point is that you want to actively STRIVE to be better when dealing with your circumstances. Actually you want to work at being better every day.
So remember this: Whatever we say, that is what we are. That is what people hear. You are basically affirming to the world who you are- by what you say.
Family members, co-workers, neighbors, your dog or cat, I don’t care who it is, look to you for your wisdom and caring. They do not look for nor want to listen to negative comments, and develop a negative feeling about you!
Don’t give people anything less than your best. You do not need to resort to negative comments. That’s too easy. Learning to change what comes out of your mouth - priceless!
Tell us how you are able to stay positive! Let us know your thoughts through Contact Us.
Join today and be part of the Community! “Now, let’s get going” xo Sally
Teachers are everywhere. Not just in school. When you listen you learn about yourself and about the person who is talking. The person who is talking the loudest isn't necessarily the smartest. Learn to sift and apply what is right for your goal. That is what I know to be true for me.
People may try to convince you that your goal should be their goal. Don’t believe that. Both women and men often have a huge internal challenge when they need to allow themselves to step forward, when they feel that it is necessary to take the high road. Whether it is at work or at home.
Relationships can be tricky. You can be tricked into thinking that the relationship you are in is right for you. Remember two things: 1. If you have to hide a relationship, it isn’t worth it. 2. If you are being held back from your family and friends by the person who “loves” you, they don’t love you. They are insecure and want to control you. You are better than that. You are smarter than that. Don’t allow yourself to be treated poorly. You are amazing and you have the power. Believe that. “Now let’s get going.” xo Sally
When you choose to think the worst and focus on the difficult stuff – STOP IT!
We all think negative thoughts. Some days more than others. Many times we think that we have very few positive things to focus on. Maybe our lives have changed drastically. Our social world has collapsed. Friends (or people we thought were friends) no longer call, visit, or include us in their plans.
So what do we do? We feel sad. We cry. We don’t think anyone understands what we are going through or dealing with every day. We decide to have a Pity Party, and feel like the guest of honor.
That’s ok. You can do that. But ask yourself, “do I feel better now?” If you feel better after you leave your Pity Party, and turn into a nice person who can have positive thoughts and treat others nicely…then throw yourself a Pity Party at least once a week.
Usually, for most of us, negative thinking breeds more negative thinking and the outcome is…you guessed it…more negativity! Lovely.
That is not going to help you. Whether you are a patient or a care partner, it is time to make a conscious decision, to work on, yes work on, developing the skills to look at life in a positive way. Recognize that you have positive energy deep down in there somewhere, and with a little bit of help and nurturing, you can turn this around!
Take that first step. Decide that you are not happy feeling the way you do. Learn how to change that negative focus into a hopeful focus. Developing a positive outlook doesn’t happen overnight. Look at the investment of time and energy you have made into the Pity Parties of the past! All that time! All that energy! If we can harness it and turn it around, you may start to look forward to each day. Let’s make that a goal! Contact Us and tell us what your goal is. Can you relate to this? Give us your feedback and comment. It’s time to make a change…your health will appreciate it! Join today! “Now, let’s get going” xo Sally
You’ve got to Believe It to Be It!
There are many people who believe that the best way to change YOUR perception of YOU, is to use self-affirmation. That would be the process of focusing on your goal, your dream, your focus, and not allow negative thoughts to interfere with what you are trying to change.
Let’s use the example of a care partner named Susan, who is feeling tired and frustrated. A family member recently told her that she needed to do a better job of taking care of her husband, because he was developing stiffness in his joints from lack of exercise…and Susan was devastated. She had to admit that she was tired of the whole 24 hour caregiving situation, but she didn’t need any negative comments from family or friends. She was doing all that she felt she could do.
Susan is tired, frustrated and feels very alone. She has gotten into a routine. Every day is the same, or at least it feels like it. She doesn’t feel like she has a life of her own.
Here’s the challenge. Susan has to turn those thoughts around. She needs to believe that she has worth and that she is providing a service that has merit, purpose and that she is an amazing soul.
The problem is that Susan does not feel amazing. Well…Susan has to start telling herself that she IS amazing. Amazing for doing what she does each and every day. She has to learn to stop being angry with her circumstances. Life happens and we are not able to control the process, but we can impact the process. We can challenge the process with good thoughts and good energy and see how that changes us and our situation.
Tell us about your situation. Did you find a way to start believing in yourself again? How did you do it? Write on our Blog or send us an email through Contact Us! Be the light for someone else. We are all one in the Community. “Now, let’s get going” xo Sally
To cross that finish line.....
How many of us avoid getting involved because we don’t think we can do what is needed? We either don’t think we have the time or we don’t think we have the skill that is needed, or we just don’t believe that we simply “have what it takes.”
The thought that I have, when someone tells me that they just can’t do it, (whatever it is), is well, how about learning something new? Now there is a novel concept. I really do get it, if someone does not have a skill that is needed to do a job. But do you really think you cannot learn a new skill? Why not?
Some of us put up barriers to avoid potential failure. I hear things like, “I never was a good student.” When was that? 40 years ago? So that excuse is no good, because I know you have learned something in the last 40 years, just not the conventional way.
You have one life to live. Don’t live it in fear. Don’t tell yourself that you can’t learn something new. And whatever you’re telling yourself, please do not tell yourself that you have nothing to offer. That just isn’t true. What you do know is this: the world we live in is struggling in many ways. If there ever was a time that we needed people who could provide a service that could help another person, it is now.
What do you want to learn to do? What do you want to be when you grow up? J
Think out of the box. Visualize doing something that you love. You can reach that goal! I don’t care how old you are! The only thing that is missing is you seeing your own finish line, and crossing that line in grand style! How do I know you can do it? Because you can!
What is it that you want to accomplish? Send us your thoughts at Contact Us. Join the Community and let’s make amazing things happen. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
“When you are young and healthy, it never occurs to you that in a single second your whole life could change.”Annette Funicello
Most of us don’t run around thinking that bad things are going to happen. Not on a daily basis anyway. We have our rough times and then have some good times, and basically bounce between the good and the bad. I think we would all agree that life is like that. We know there are no guarantees and try to remain optimistic.
When we are younger, we truly feel immortal. Doubtful that what happened to someone else, would ever happen to us. In fact we don’t think about life ever being different.
As we age, we see more change happen. Friends that we have had for years start to experience the complications that can happen in life. Disease, injuries, accidents and most of us are not prepared for that. But is that something you can really prepare for? I don’t believe you can.
We have to keep in mind that life is always about change, and what we have to learn to do, is manage change when it occurs. It is a skill to be able to look for the good in the bad. It is even more of a skill to move past the bad, and realize that you might need help to maximize your ability to cope with what is happening to you or someone you love.
We cope with change through looking for the best way to manage what we have been given. Some days we are better at it than others. What you have to keep in mind is that you have the power to manage what you are dealing with right now.
Your circumstances do not make you who you are, you do. You are powerful and intend to pull through whatever you are dealing with. How do I know you can do it? Because you CAN! If you need help, send us a message through “Contact Us.”
We are here to help you meet and exceed your goals! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
What is a Positive Life?
Do you think it is possible for you to have a Positive Life? It depends?
Does it depend on how many negative things come your way?
Does it depend on whether or not your current circumstances improve?
My wish for you today, is that you begin to believe that you are entitled to live a positive life. Doesn’t that sound odd? It’s true. For you to live a positive life, you have to believe that it is possible. You have to stop thinking negative thoughts; about you, your family, your situation, whatever fuels the negative. Stop feeding those thoughts and start feeding positive ones.
I meet many people that quite honestly think they have forgotten how to feel positive about anything. Their life seems to be a hopeless routine. Their ability to change their circumstances appears to be outside of their reach.
Today’s goal: Every time a negative thought pops into your mind, say “I refuse to be negative today. No bad mood for me!“ I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and repeat those words, every time you start to feel that old negative stuff creep into your head.
Let me know how you do. This is a one day at a time exercise! I know you can do this! How do I know? Because you can! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally