Dear Friends,
I have had a lot of goals for this web site, and it has been a journey of learning and commitment to make it grow. I want to be able to use this web site to meet people where they are, and help them problem solve their issues, to get them to the next level of their success.
Whether you are a caregiver or the patient, we need to hear from you and help you with your challenge.
Starting March 1, 2015 whoever joins our email list will get a free 30 day trial of You will be able to email questions to Sally and see how beneficial the site could be for you. We will announce the coupon code you will need to use to sign up on March 1st. Join us. We'll be waiting to hear from you! Voting for the contest ends March 17, 2015, so hurry!
I need your support and help in order to win! You can vote each day for 30 days click on the image below that will take you to the voting! #support