I would guess that most everyone reading this has heard of “Karma.” This is where the actions and intent of an individual influence what happens in the individual’s future.
When a person treats others poorly or leaves a trail of mean spirited behavior where ever they travel, you will usually hear one person console another with wise words, such as “don’t worry, what goes around, comes around.” It tends to make us feel better to imagine that a mean person will get treated as badly as they treat others. Somehow we feel if that happens, good will triumph over evil and things will be “fair.”
Here’s a challenge for you: what if we continued to pursue our goals and dreams, and just watched the obnoxious people that were so taken with their own agenda, travel their own pathway by themselves? Do you really want those people around you? Do you think it will make a difference to you to see them fall on hard times and not achieve their goals?
Negative people have a way of bringing us all down to their level, if we let them. Don’t let them bring you down. Don’t bother to wish them harm, because you will find yourself focusing on negative thoughts, and remember “thoughts are things.” If we think about it long enough it becomes a reality. Don’t give negative people or negative thoughts that much power. They don’t deserve it.
Let those people go on their merry way. Let Karma do its thing. Be the person that can stay focused until you get where you are going. You have a lot to accomplish and you can do whatever you set your mind to do.
“Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
The aging process sure is interesting. For the most part society tries to make us feel that we need to try to retain our good looks for as long as possible. No one wants to look like they are circling the drain too soon.
But how can we deny ourselves the luxury of using what we have learned? After all we have had the opportunity to live through experiences that taught us lessons right?
There is a certain amount of peace that comes from being grateful for your age. Aging is a gift. There are many people that do not get to live out that gift due to illness or accidents. Consider yourself fortunate when your eyes open each day and you are given another 24 hours to explore your opportunities and share your gifts with the people that you come in contact with.
Another good thing about aging; you can start to recognize that you have been where some people are just starting to go, and you can be grateful that you already learned that lesson once. We are meant to continue to experience life and share good times with people we care about.
So be grateful that there are some “ages” that you have passed (and survived). Now you have the luxury of being better and smarter…so use those gifts! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Giving Up? Why?
Every one of us has a limit that is self-imposed. We decide how much something means to us and if something happens to that person or thing, we most often have a built in reaction that determines how much or how little we will fight for or on behalf of whatever it is. It may be a child’s health, a relationship, or an illness and what it may take to treat it. Some things matter more than others, and what matters to one person may not be as important to another.
The most important thing you want to realize about YOU is that whatever battles you may be fighting, you make choices. You may need to step back and ask yourself; “Should I be fighting harder than I am? or “Am I the only one fighting this battle?” If you are the only one fighting a battle, and in your opinion others should be fighting alongside you, re-think your strategy. Recognize the reality of that particular situation. If you are relentlessly pursing a relationship with someone that is not reciprocating, there could be a lot of wasted time and energy that you could apply elsewhere! Don’t waste your energy and don’t waste time.
Too frequently we give up too early. We may give up on school, a career goal, a relationship or even believing that the new business plan you are developing is just too difficult. Do not give up. Do not talk yourself out of it. You have to realize that the experiences you gain when working toward any goal you have, are critical learning experiences that make you that much better when you finally get there.
There are times that you have to keep going when you do not think you have it in you. Believe that you do. You can do this! You are amazing! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
We should always remember how this Country evolved. President’s Day, Veteran’s Day, and other holidays are often viewed as an opportunity to have a three day weekend. It should be more than that.
There have been many Presidents who have done an amazing job, to help build this Country into what it has become. No matter what “side of the aisle” your political views are on, we have to remember that we are the only Country in the world that has accomplished so much in such a short period of time. Outside of the political arguments that seem to do little but secure the jobs of the politicians, we have to remember that our people make this Country what it is-not the politicians.
What our brave men and women in the service do each day, to allow us to continue to enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted, is under-appreciated by many.
Each of us needs to be involved in supporting each other. It isn’t hard to do. You just have to step outside of your daily routine and look for ways to help your fellow men and women.
It may be a neighbor or someone you have not met before, but you know that there is a need. Find out what it is. Pay it forward. Kindness multiplies and divides. Give it away. You will be a better person for it. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Every day we have so many options. You may not realize it, because you are mentally caught up in believing that your routine is required. You have to get up at a certain time, you have to make lunches, you have to go to work, and your “have to’s” can continue.
Those “have to’s” have become your routine. They do not dictate who you are or who you are becoming.
Your routine can be changed. It can be creatively modified. Get up 15 minutes earlier and do some stretching exercises, see how that makes you feel. Make lunches the night before. Decide how to make your day on the job more interesting. Get serious about some specific goal that you are thinking about, and modify your day to fit in some small steps related to that goal that are achievable.
You don’t need to feel defeated if you didn’t accomplish all you set out to do in one day. There are many things happening. You may get pulled in directions that you didn’t expect, and feel irritated when that happens. Embrace it. Your routine gets changed for you when that happens.
Handle the unexpected with a smile, but do not lose sight of where you intend to go. No excuses for not eventually reaching your goal…find a way! You have all the power. You are amazing. You can do it!
“Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
There are a lot of people out there that don’t seem to understand the simple philosophy that our behavior is what people remember. What we do matters. How we act is what counts.
When you meet someone who expresses their beliefs in a righteous way, but are found to behave inconsistently with what they say, what happens to your opinion of that person?
There is an old saying that “talk is cheap.” There is another saying as well; “actions speak louder than words.” Both of those apply here. Don’t be the person that says one thing and then does another. People will lose respect for you and certainly not believe that what you say-is what is true.
Whether you are a caregiver, a person dealing with an illness or just trying to make each day matter, do yourself a favor. Pay attention to the words you use with others. Realize that if you do not follow up on what you say, or show others that they can count on you to be true to your word, your credibility suffers.
Be that person that is a shining light for doing the right thing. Just remember that everyone is a leader and that you can achieve more than you ever dreamed possible if you remember to treat others the way you want to be treated.
“Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
Are you setting a bar that is too high when it comes to needing “stuff?” Material things are necessary to a point, but when the majority of your time is spent acquiring things, take a step back.
When you focus only on the material desires you have, you leave important things out. If you find that your thoughts are more directed to working for things and you don’t take the time to maintain relationships with family and friends, people see that and feel that. Pretty soon the people in your life may feel that they don’t matter and that your choices are driven by your preference for material things over them.
If you start to see that your relationships are suffering for the desire to have more “things,” realize that “things” and “stuff” will not be there for you in an emergency. People take care of you, things cannot. If you see yourself falling into this category start making some changes.
Take more time to be with your children and the significant people in your life. You can turn this around. Don’t wait for something to happen to force a change that you need to start making now. Make a new start to be more engaged with your loved ones. They need it and so do you! “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
You can’t hide happiness…no matter how hard you may try. When you think about good things and positive experiences your mood shifts into a positive one. The same goes for negative thoughts and negative experiences, so don’t go there.
Some people find themselves in situations that don’t make them happy. In fact you can be a happy person for the most part, but the people you are around may be negative and really give you a hard time for being positive. Negative people often find positive people annoying and let you know it.
What are you supposed to do if that negative person is your spouse, significant other or best friend? Encourage them to let go of their negative slant on life. We all have reasons to be upset with something. An illness, a life experience that has altered a relationship, becoming a caregiver when you feel that you have no choice in the matter, are a few of those reasons. There are too many examples to list.
Here’s the message to remember today; we all could find a reason to be unhappy if we looked for it. Don’t bother. It will not get you where you need to go. You need to find some positive people to be with and you have to think happy thoughts on purpose. It will make a difference for you. Be the light that shines today. You will never know how many people you help. “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
What is standing in your way? What is preventing you from moving forward and getting what you want?
If you know what you want to be able to achieve to make your life better, then you should be in the process of working towards that goal. But sometimes it isn’t that clear. You may be unsure of what you want. In fact you may be preventing yourself from thinking about what you really want, because you don’t know what it is!
People can get so wrapped up in their daily routine that they forget to dream. Well actually they may have become so cynical, that they don’t believe dreams can actually come true. It may be “kid stuff” to think that your dreams can come true. Your day in-day out routine may have turned you into someone that has forgotten how to dream…of something better for you.
Let’s look at it this way; If you don’t have a clue as to what you want, it is going to be a lot easier to identify what you don’t want. Make a list of what you don’t want, because on the other side of that list you will start to be able to identify what your dreams can be made of. What you want will be easier to see. You have the ability to make your dreams happen. You just have to own it first.
“Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
We all have something. Celebrate what you have, even if it isn’t perfect. What may be a challenge for one person may not be a challenge for you, but we all have areas in our lives we could improve.
Spend the next few days making a list of two things that you would like to improve related to you. If you know that you can be too picky, when it comes to your expectations of others, recognize it. I am sure they tell you about it. If you think something will not get done unless you become that person that constantly nags, you need to stop nagging and see what happens. Don’t assume that a job needs to be done a certain way to be “right.” If you do that, you will be doing everything.
You can change a behavior if you want to. You have the power to be that person. Things do not have to be a certain “way” to be correct. If you tend to go in that direction, you may find others avoid you and the direction you choose. Decide what behavior you need to work on and develop a plan to change that behavior. You can have a better life. You can make it happen. If you need some help, send us a message through Contact Us. Change is good….eventually…when it becomes a positive growth experience.
“Now let’s get going!” xo Sally