Be grateful for what you have.
If all you have are problems and what appears to be no solutions, it may be the way you are looking at things. Where you are right now may not be where you want to be. That is the exciting part of living your life with goals.
If you approach each day with a desire to make it better than yesterday, you will have the right attitude. If we begin each day with the desire to make ourselves better, have good experiences and add a simple effort to smile, it is a winning combination. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t believe that what you are striving for is impossible.
Many people have not taken the time to think about setting goals or thinking outside of their day to day routine. You have to realize that to get somewhere else, you have to do something else. You can’t move ahead if you don’t believe that it matters. Your goals do matter. You matter. Believe that you were put on this earth to make a difference, because you were. Don’t stop short of your goals.
“Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Good things can happen when you least expect them. There are moments in our lives when we have an experience that opens our eyes to a different way of thinking. Those experiences can be very powerful.
Leaving yourself open to new experiences, new ways of doing things, and new people, can be like opening a door that you tend to keep closed. Closed doors are like closed minds. Nothing can get in…and nothing gets out. It can be a lonely existence and certainly stunts your growth!
Try something different for the next few days. Allow some new things to enter your life. Open your mind to new possibilities that will allow you to grow. Develop some new habits that allow a “new you” to be created. Life is full of endless possibilities. When one door closes, another one opens….leave a door open for a new experience.
Believe in new beginnings and that your goals are possible. You are amazing and you have all the power to make it happen! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
When we are children and stories are read to us, we feel better when there is a happy ending. In fact, most fairy tales end ”happily ever after.” It makes us feel good. We have an inward desire to be happy and want happiness.
With our busy lives we don’t often take the time that is needed to reflect on what positive things are happening in our lives every day. They are there, we just have to find them.
It would be nice if someone could reassure us that everything will always be ok. This is where faith steps in. It is not possible to protect our family, friends and those that mean so much to us…24/7. Life happens. Unfortunate events occur. Illness creeps into the lives of those we care about, and causes pain.
Keep in mind that we have to find happiness throughout each day, every day. This is how our stories evolve. If we participate in happiness each day, we will have a “happy ending.” Don’t wait for the ending…find it now! Look around you.
It may not be perfect, but it may be just what you need today. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Doing small things that matter are important. It helps you realize how important small things can be.
We are a busy bunch of people! What makes the news each day is usually the worst of what has happened around the world. That is not new. Cable news has to fill 24 hours a day with headlines. Unfortunately with the way the world is working these days, there are lots of negative headlines.
Underneath what seems to be the worst of times, there are many people doing wonderful things. Take some time today to do some small things. Make a difference. Open a door. Smile. Shake a hand. Give someone a compliment. It may be the best part of their day, as well as yours.
Never underestimate what you do. Positive energy makes a positive difference. How can you “shake the world” today? You have the ability to make a difference! Do it!
“Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
We all approach challenges differently. When we are feeling doubtful or concerned regarding how we are going to manage a problem, the illness of a loved one, or our own physical problems, we can make a choice.
We can choose to be angry and let everyone know just how unfair the world is; “Why is this happening to me?” or “What did I do to deserve this?” OR we can say to ourselves; “What can I LEARN from this?”
I have many patients and caregivers who learn more than you can imagine by facing their challenges each day with an attitude of gratitude, realizing that what they are dealing with is painful and sad. Experiences in our lives that cause us sadness are not necessarily the worst thing in the world. Those moments we are required to dig deep into our souls to carry on, can be the most critical times that we learn how strong we are and realize how strong we can become.
Strength is not only a personality trait, it is also a skill. You can work on developing your strength to manage your challenges each and every day. Move on faith, ask for strength, and pride yourself in the accomplishments you make. Life is a journey…each experience that challenges us, makes us stronger. You are amazing…believe it!
“Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
Sometimes it is easier to be cynical or questioning, than it is to move on faith. We are taught to believe what we see, more than what we feel to be true.
I have heard people say that the true test of knowing whether something is right or wrong for you, is to believe what your “gut” tells you. Have you ever had the experience of needing to believe in something that common sense might tell you is not possible, but then realizing that what you believed, was true?
We all need hope to survive. What may not be working well for you today, can improve. Whether it is a medical condition, or a person’s reaction to it, a change in a job or relationship; they all require a walk in faith at certain points.
Believe that it is possible to get through the rough days. Know that there are better days ahead. Believe it to be so. Put forth your positive energy and realize that positive attracts positive and negative…well brings you more negative.
You can control it. You can generate positive energy…Believe it…and see it! “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
What are you looking for? Do you know what drives your happiness?
Take some time over the next few days to think about what you are drawn to and why. Reaize that your happiness depends on many things, and that you are the driver of that thinking. You create your thoughts and thoughts are things.
When we take the time to stop ourselves from immediately reacting to something that brings out negative feelings, we can change our reaction. We can choose a better response. We can rise above the negative and recognize that we are better than anything negative that comes toward us.
So while you are looking for the good in the bad, take note that you are choosing a brighter pathway to follow. Rise above the craziness that some people love to participate in. Stop feeling like you are circling the drain everyday...because you CAN stop the emotions that drain and strain you. Whether those challenges are coming from your kids, your family members, your spouse or co-workers, it's all the same when it comes to choosing how to react to what you are given.
Be grateful. Be postive. Be kind. You can change everyone you touch if you are able to do that.
"Now, let's get going!" xo Sally
Have you ever taken a good look at who you are spending time with? What type of characteristics your friends have? Are they good people? Do they help you grow?
It is important to surround yourself with like-minded people, that build you up and support your goals for you to become better. People in your life create your environment. Your environment nutures you and provides the awareness that you live with each day.
There are times when your environment is limited because you cannot move on ....yet. You may be limited by financial resources, which you can change. You may be limited by insecurity, which you can change. You may be limited by laziness, which you can change. It is up to you to change your circumstances and put yourself in a better place; mentally and physically.
The first thing you have to do is be honest with yourself and realize that you may be "hanging out with chickens," when you need to be hanging out with peope who you can learn something from.
There are all kinds of opportunities out there for you to improve your network of friends. Join a goup. Volunteer. People doing great things are out there and they need motivated people to help them. Be the person that steps out and learns how to be better than the person you are today. No matter what your age is! You are never to old to learn something new! "Now, let's get going!" xo Sally
Never underestimate education. Education comes in all shapes, sizes and experiences. Sometimes education happens when we get what we didn't expect.
Everytime you experience something, you are educated about that particular thing. Whether it is how to make a project, find something on Google, or learn how to handle a difficult personality trait in someone you care for. It is all about learning how to mange your situation, while reaching for your goal.
There is nothing more exciting than learning, if you can put it in the right perspective. Negative things happen. When they do, you have to ask yourself, "What have I learned from this?" You really want those lessons to matter to you, so you don't repeat them.
People often think education occurs with books. That is only part of it. Lasting education comes through experience. Choose your experiences wisely, and if you don't have a choice in the matter...learn from that as well. You can turn your life around whenever you are ready. You do have all the power.
Educate yourself in the direction you desire to go. You can do it! "Now, let's get going!" xo Sally
How we view ourselves makes all the difference. If we don’t value our time as important, because we don’t think what we do matters, we have a challenge.
Each day we are given is filled with 24 hours. How we choose to use those hours and minutes is your decision. If you feel that you don’t matter, try missing a mortgage payment or a car note.
There are people out there that believe you are important, especially if it involves paying a debt!
Your sole purpose is not to be on earth just to pay bills. We need to choose those occupations that matter to us. We spend the largest part of our day working in some capacity. If you are a “domestic engineer” and work in the home, that is a full time occupation. If you are working outside of the home and balancing child care and work, my hat’s off to you, because I have certainly been there.
Try to see the big picture today. Look past the bills and the house cleaning and realize that you are spending each day doing something. You are turning your blank pages into your masterpiece, your legacy, what you leave behind for others to remember.
Use each day well. Accomplish something you are proud of, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. It isn’t small to someone else. It may make their entire day. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Don’t let deadlines and hectic schedules prevent you from doing something for someone else. You have the time to do that, and it will make your day matter. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally