In keeping with our thoughts of being “Thankful,” let’s be thankful for Healing.
Healing is very powerful. Whether it is physical, emotional or a personal journey that you are working on, it is important to know that healing is possible.
We have to make many purpose driven decisions each day, and some of them are not as easy as others. In the spirit of the season, let’s think for a few minutes about what we can do to heal relationships with family and friends during this season. If you get along well with all of your family and friends, that is good for you. Most people have friction or issues with someone that they need to have a relationship with, whether it is at work, home or in the family.
If you can remember to do two things this Thanksgiving season, keep these in mind: 1. If you find yourself in a conversation where every part of you wants to disagree with someone or things have the potential to get ugly, just stop talking and excuse yourself from the conversation. 2. Stay away from topics that will get another person to become defensive.
Heal relationships so you can have more fun and enjoy family and friends. Be the bigger person and create a positive atmosphere to enjoy this season. We never know what tomorrow brings, so enjoy each other while you have the opportunity! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally