Have you ever taken a good look at who you are spending time with? What type of characteristics your friends have? Are they good people? Do they help you grow?
It is important to surround yourself with like-minded people, that build you up and support your goals for you to become better. People in your life create your environment. Your environment nutures you and provides the awareness that you live with each day.
There are times when your environment is limited because you cannot move on ....yet. You may be limited by financial resources, which you can change. You may be limited by insecurity, which you can change. You may be limited by laziness, which you can change. It is up to you to change your circumstances and put yourself in a better place; mentally and physically.
The first thing you have to do is be honest with yourself and realize that you may be "hanging out with chickens," when you need to be hanging out with peope who you can learn something from.
There are all kinds of opportunities out there for you to improve your network of friends. Join a goup. Volunteer. People doing great things are out there and they need motivated people to help them. Be the person that steps out and learns how to be better than the person you are today. No matter what your age is! You are never to old to learn something new! "Now, let's get going!" xo Sally