24 hours. We all get 24 hours each day to spend how we choose. You may say that you have to work, and you don’t like your job, and that you would give anything to spend your 24 hours differently.
Well, who can change that? Who has the power to decide how those 24 hours are going to be spent each day? You do.
Your present circumstances may not allow you to change your job today, but each 24 hours that pass holds the same potential promise…and if you keep choosing to pass up opportunities to find another job, get help at home or tackle something that you want to do, but are afraid to do it…nothing will change. You have the time…use it wisely.
Sometimes we don’t make time for things that matter. I think we should challenge ourselves to carve out some time and take that time to do something different. Get out of your normal routine and explore what else is out there. Habits are made to be broken. Work is going to be there.
Be proud of how you use your next 24 hours. What are you going to do differently? “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally