I think we all know someone who has had breast cancer. It is that common. Even though it is common and there are many advances related to treatment, it continues to be a diagnosis that brings fear to the heart of us all.
The main reason: we picture the worst. We know “stories” of survivors and some who have not survived. We’re told that the research has improved so much, that treatment can often be adjusted to the type of cancer that needs to be treated.
There are many great resources to review, to educate yourself regarding breast cancer. It is important to know how to do self-examinations, as well as the importance of your family history.
Breast cancer does not need to be a death sentence for many people these days. It is critical to understand that breast cancer is not a disease that affects women only. Men can have breast cancer, and we need to keep that in mind.
Check out the following web sites for more information. Stay informed. There is a strong network of survivors out there that can help guide you to good treatment. Never underestimate local support groups in your area. Call local hospitals or oncology offices and ask where support groups are being held, and who the contact person is! Whether the information is for you or a loved one…get out there and stay ahead of the cancer.
Breast Cancer.org: http://www.breastcancer.org/
On Health.com: http://www.onhealth.com/breast_cancer/article.htm
Always feel free to contact us for more information, by sending us an email at: contactus@sallycares.com . xo Sally