Caregiving is a balance. You have multiple things to do each day, and your days may seem endless at times.
The goal today is to not schedule more to do than you can do, and allow yourself at least one hour to do something that you want to do for you.
Many times we try to fit the type of schedule we used to have, into the additional responsibilities we have now. It doesn’t work.
To keep yourself positive and energized, you have to read positive things, think positive thoughts, and do some physical activity that will allow you to generate positiv energy for you.
Choose not to be angry. Instead choose tolerance. Remember that there are still some things you can control, and the main one is what you choose to say and how you say it.
Just by changing how you express your thoughts, you may be able to change the environment you are in. Choose to be a comforter.
You are amazing…believe it! “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally