Do you know when you are finished with something? Have you ever reached the point where you firmly believe that you have done the best you can, and that it is time to move on? I think we all have had that experience in one form or another. It can be positive, and a welcome change, or feel like you are being cut apart, and that you are losing a huge part of yourself in the process.
Let’s look at being “finished” as an opportunity for a new beginning. It doesn’t have to be negative. It is a time for growth. Learn how to blossom in times of trials. Don’t allow anyone to steal your joy. Take the situation you are in and find something good that is happening, in spite of what seems to be difficult.
If you can change how you look at a situation, that appears to have been meant for your harm, know that it is preparing you for something much better! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally