You normally can’t get through a holiday season without remembering those that have passed on, and were so important in your life.
Having lost both of my parents, a holiday does not go by that I don’t think back to how we celebrated in the past, what types of cookies my mother would make, and how the importance of family became so clear.
I don’t think that we have lost that. It just appears that society doesn’t push that agenda. In fact I think that there is so much importance placed on “doing your own thing,” that the concept of working together towards common goals (as a family) is not embraced as it once was.
Whether it is for caring for parents or family in general, the bottom line is that we all need to feel that we matter. That what is required to care for a family member is not drudgery, but an opportunity to show them how much we do care.
Every situation is different. People grow up with a lot of baggage and sometimes can’t find their way out of the bag. The deal is that you have to realize that you are better than any baggage that you have. Sometimes people do the best they can at the time. Do not hold grudges. Be the person that shows how a family should be. Live it…others will follow by example. “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
With all of the hustle and bustle, it is easy to feel like the process of making it to Christmas and getting through the holidays, is just overwhelming.
On this Christmas Eve, stop and take some time to be grateful for all that you have. If you don’t have much (in your own estimation) just remember that others have less than you do, and we all need to be grateful for our ability to do for others. It is not about the material things, it’s about being kind. Helping others and sharing your time and your energy to make this world a better place, is the best gift you can give.
My prayer for all of you today and this evening, is to remember why this holiday is celebrated. The birth of Christ. That gift gave all of us the opportunity for grace and forgiveness. You can make a new life for yourself and family in 2015. If your health is a problem we can manage that. If your relationship is a problem we can work towards better ways to communicate. is here to help you. Let us know what we can do. Have a Merry Christmas Eve! “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
In this holiday season, please take some time to reaffirm that you are a child of the most high God. You are here to do amazing things and you have everything it takes to make that happen.
We have many skills and opportunities that we just don’t take advantage of. Whether it is because we think we don’t have the time, or we are not good enough, only you can answer that.
The reality is that you do have what it takes to make your life more successful, your relationships better and your future brighter. You have to believe that if you dedicate yourself to positive thinking and move in a direction that surrounds you with positive thinkers…not negative ones, you will reach your goals.
Make your seconds count today and every day. You can do amazing things when you put your mind to it. You are amazing. You just have to believe it! “Now let’s get going!” xo Sally
People who make things happen behind the scenes are critical to the success of any business, any family, and any relationship.
The one common thing that we have to do to make any team a success, is that we have to listen to the thoughts of others, and be willing to bend our thinking to embrace change as needed. When people treat each other with respect and are allowed to contribute their gifts to make something work (including a relationship), stop yourself from being critical and listen to the whole idea. You actually may learn something that will help you become a better person or do a better job.
We all matter. We all contribute. Support each other. Be grateful for those in your life that have the kindness and thoughtfulness to shine from within. Appreciate all of those around you who make it possible for you to enjoy your life. Thank people who help you today. Live with an "Attitude of Gratitude." “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
In our ongoing focus on appreciation, think about whether you show appreciation for those you love.
How do you do that? Be a good listener. Be respectful. Be compassionate. Be helpful.
Who doesn’t appreciate those behaviors? We all do. They show signs of strength-not weakness.
The real lesson is that when you demonstrate these behaviors, you teach others how to appreciate people in return. That is an invaluable lesson that we all need to keep in mind. Your behavior will generate respect. Your children will learn how to appreciate others in the process. What a testimony you will be sharing. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Life pushes you quickly through each day. We all experience it. Let’s try something different this morning…and every morning. Start each morning appreciating what you have today.
It isn’t hard. Just get up, look around you, and name something you are grateful for. Look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, and tell yourself what you are grateful for. Speak out loud and let yourself hear it.
This is our goal for today and tomorrow and the next day and the next. Love your life. Stay positive. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Since we appreciated the “moments” yesterday, I think we will make this a week of appreciation and gratitude. That is a great way to start each day…so here is another way to learn appreciation, change your morning mindset, and turn each day into a day to be a blessing to yourself and to others.
What does it mean to appreciate someone? How do you show appreciation to those people you come into contact with each day? Whether it is your spouse, child, significant other, neighbor, or the clerk at a drug store, you know when someone is in your life for a reason. Even if it is for one day, and you never see that person again.
Remember this: You like to be appreciated. We all like to feel that the part we are playing in this life has worth. Don’t underestimate your power. Acknowledge awareness of what someone does… that is kind.
Be aware of opening doors for people. Take your eyes off your smart phones and look up. Look out. See what you are missing, and show your appreciation. Give something away today; a smile, a hug a compliment. It may be the best gift you give to someone else.
“Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
We are busy, that is for sure. But, what are we doing during an average day?
Give yourself a little test at the end of today. See if you can remember what you did during the day. Then see if you can remember the people you spoke to, and what experiences you are able to remember the fastest.
Most times you will remember those experiences that made an impression on you. It may have been a “bad” impression or a “good” impression. Either way, because we are so “busy,” the main things that stand out at the day’s end are those experiences that made us sit up and take notice.
Make some “on purpose” moments happen today. When you ask someone how they are, take a few moments and actually find out what is going on with them. Give words of encouragement. Share some positive thoughts. Listen to what others are saying. Appreciate the time you have and what a blessing you can be to someone else. I guarantee you will remember those moments!
“Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
How much time and energy do you spend on doing things for yourself?
There are plenty of people out there who think of themselves first, and make sure they have their needs met before thinking of others.
But that isn’t you, or you would not be reading this. You are a person who cares for others. In fact you tend to care about others more than you care about yourself.
We have to keep in mind that to care for others, we have to keep ourselves strong and healthy. We have to eat right, get enough sleep and take some time out to replenish the energy that life takes from us on any given day. Whether it’s a walk, read a book, watch a good television program that is positive (you may have to search for that) or whatever works for you.
Let’s take the next few days to think about this. Restore your faith. Pray for healing. Enjoy this holiday season and all of the goodness that it brings. “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally
Always keep your options open. Start your day off today, believing that you will be blessed.
It is easy to get lost in a sea of negative feelings. Shake it off. Recognize that the only reason you keep having negative experiences is because you keep associating with the same people that perpetuate it.
Do you need change to happen in your life? Approach things differently. Do you want a relationship to change? Are you contributing to the negative parts of it? Start making positive changes that you know would make things better.
Don’t be afraid to do things differently if your current approach isn’t working. Go left. Try something new. Keep your mind filled with good intentions. Help someone work towards their goal. You will be surprised how much can change when you put new, positive energy into your motivation! Have a fabulous day! “Now, let’s get going!” xo Sally